Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This is Me!

I started this blog three years ago. I have 4 faithful readers, and although I have shared some personal stuff, I remain mostly a mystery (ok so that's a slight embellishment but I like how it sounds.) So, Ima tell you about me!

This is me... 18.5 years ago

This is me now. No, I'm not purple hehehe.

I'm a 20 year old 3rd year Biological Sciences major at the University of Alberta. I'm heavier than I'd like, but every day my boyfriend teaches me ways to find things to feel better about.
My favourite shoes are my olive Toms, and I wear jeans with everything.

I love dissecting dead things, and I love looking at ready to wear collections. 
I work at a car dealership as a receptionist. I'm popular with some, loathed by others, but I suppose its like that anywhere. 

I can't rollerblade. Here is proof:

On the best of days, my hair doesn't do anything I want it to:

I still have my stuffed chicken from when I was a baby.
Her name is Kiki, and anyone that loves me knows I will never ever get rid of her. She smells like a downy sheet, and hasn't actually been washed in over a decade.

My room is my sanctuary. I won't post pictures cuz it's too private hehehe.
My most important people are my family and my boyfriend. 
Here is my family and I at my favourite place on earth, McLeod River.

Here's a close up of me and sister. She is one of 3 people that can completely understand me without me having to say a word.

The second is my boyfriend. Here is us:

Here is the third... not actually a person.
This is my dog, Duke. The face tells ya everything you'll need to know about him. He's a dummy. But he's adorable.

My favourite blog, as you all know is Hyperbole and a Half. My favourite shows are The Big Bang Theory and Battlestar Galactica. My boyfriend sent me this illustration and it made me so happy lol.

I am Über sentimental. This is the rose my boyfriend gave me on Valentine's Day:
It doesn't take a calendar to tell you I've been nurturing it a while. 
I have every note, picture, card, and gift my boyfriend has ever given me. I save some of his texts, and I lay in bed sometimes just thinking about the next time we will get to be together.

Another of my hobbies is one my boyfriend and I share; film going. In our almost 2.5 years of dating we have seen 49 films together (and may I say he's paid for almost every single one). I finally have a person that watches a film for more than explosions (no offence family).

My favourite musical artists are Taylor Swift, Adele, and Switchfoot. Music is so much a part of me; people say that so much, and yet not a moment goes by without a song in my head. I can pick a song out for every single moment in my life.

However sensitive I have made myself sound, I am also a bit ruthless. I am direct, sarcastic, cynical, prone to anger, and occasionally antagonistic. My inner filter is either missing or broken, and my opinions, though painfully honest, are not always what you want to hear. Mocking people aways makes me cheer up, which is really a sad sate of affairs so I try to keep it to celebrities. I am loyal to a fault, and if you mess with someone I really care about, you will walk out the door with your ass in your hands. 

Finally, I am not what your stereotypical fashion blogger looks like. I am not skinny, I'm not petite. I can't afford super expensive clothes, and sometimes I wear huge sweatpants at home. I don't wear heels, I abhor tights, and if socially acceptable, I would wear an easy top and jeans to every occasion. That said everything about fashion entices me. I have steadily followed it for 12 years now, and still surprise people with how much I know. Let's just say you don't have to dress the part to know the lines.  Anyway, from now on I will try and stick to fashion, and sarcastic humour. I hope you enjoy lovelies!

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