Monday, April 2, 2012

I'm Lazy and I Cry too Much

So this is a fashion blog, not a mental health blog. But even more than both of those, this is my blog and so I am going to talk what I want to talk about. Today I am going to talk about me. Selfish, I know. However, I wanna do it and I'm going to.

Life is hard. I know you're prolly staring at your screen thinking "no shit Sherlock". But I leave my statement as it is. Life is hard. And for some people, it's harder than others. In 7th grade I was diagnosed with OCD Anxiety disorder and co-morbid depression. I was a psychologists wet dream. No pun intended. I've had some dark days, as cliched as that sounds. I've hit absolute rock bottom, and there have been times where I almost didn't get out. And I am sure you all know what I mean.

Obviously depression isn't a one size fits all thing, and you don't have it every day of your life. It comes and goes. For the past year and a half I've been perpetually depressed. Just completely broken down. My motivation is just gone. It has just completely and totally disappeared. Waking up and getting out of bed seems impossible every single morning. I have a great family and an amazing boyfriend. He gives me absolutely everything, and how do I repay him??? I sit around being morose, treating him like crap.

What is the point of this post? Am I trying to bring you all down with tales of my woe? Am I trying to berate myself and make anyone who is depressed seem like a low life? Absolutely not. But as I started off with, life is hard, and it's harder for some people than it is others. I, however, am not one with a particularily hard life. I'm 20 years old. I'm overweight, but I'm pree healthy. I live in a nice house with my family, I go to university full time while my parents work hard and pay my tuition. I have a good job, and some good friends. I have nice clothes, and lots of other nice things that I don't need to survive, but absolutely love having. I have a bright future, and I have a boyfriend who loves me more than anything and is happy to share it with me.

No matter how down; how depressed and low I feel, I have absolutely no reason to give up. So I guess the point of this is to help other girls or even guys like me. I'm not promising every day is going to be awsome. I can't say that there won't be days ya jus wanna throw in the towel and hide in your bed. I know pillows are more appealing than people sometimes. But always try and find some things that are great about your life. Always try and think about the things that keep you going. If you don't have any then try and find some. You'll need them. We all do. They might not all be amazing boyfriends, but there can be something for everyone.

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