Friday, January 7, 2011

Packt like Sardines in a Crushd tin Box

by: Matt Gallagher

This week I want to feature one of my favorite Radiohead tunes. This one comes off the album Amnesiac. I quite enjoy it for its very industrial everyday beats that make up the bulk of it and the and the heavy droning base that picks up a little bit in. The lyrics are another aspect that draws me to the song. They are untypical of the standard lyrical tropes in the majority of pop songs; very off putting and confrontational. Feels like built up anger being spilt out from a shy narrator.

There is no official video for the song, but I was able to find a very interesting fan made one by a youtube user known as RojamNairassoy. Very cool stuff.

And just because I can, here is another Radiohead tune that I quite enjoy. This one has an amazing video to accompany it. It was part of a contest the band had where fans submitted videos to accompany songs off their latest album In Rainbows.

Thanks for listening,
Matt Gallagher

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