Saturday, October 30, 2010

Speak Now

Taylor Swift's new album, "Speak Now" came out on the 25th. Naturally, I have listened to it a bunch already. And I was reading her introduction, and it struck me as so honest. So, in this post, Ima do what she did with her songs and said stuff I should've said a very long time ago.

  • Mom: I will never look like Jaime. And I hate the treadmill.
  • Dad: I am not perfect, but I am trying.
  • Jaime: You are not stupid, and do not settle for what people expect you to do.
  • Nana: Mom treats you way better then you deserve. One day you might wake up and she may be gone. Think about that next time.

  • Erika: I never gossiped about you. All I wanted was to be your friend.
  • Marieve: I never lied to you. Ever.
  • Brad: You are not even half the man Matt is.
  • Nicole: You sold me out for a guy that wears orange. You deserve whatever you get.
  • Brittany: 9 Year old girls aren't really a turn on. Sorry.
  • Elanna: You dumb cow. Congratulations, you're getting the attention you wanted; hope it is worth it. And I am not afraid to hit you.
  • Kyle: You are a sick SOB and ass crack isn't something you should show off... especially yours. Just saying.
  • Julia: You deserve so much more. You need to stop selling yourself short. You will find someone perfect.
  • Matt: You are so amazing. And no matter how many times you refuse to believe it, I will never change my mind. And I'm not going anywhere. Batten down the hatches mister, you're stuck with me a while! I refuse to let you go. No matter what arguments or fights may occur, I am always going to fight through them because you are my Matt and I see no other option.
  • Mr and Mrs. Gallagher: I owe you so much for making me feel so welcome and at home with you guys. Mr. Gallagher, you always make me laugh, and congrats on the goatee; I think you are 1 of 7 men on the entire planet that doesn't look like they're being attacked by a small rodent with facial hair. Mrs. Gallagher, your cooking is delicious, and I have prolly gained 5,000,000,000 extra pounds. Give or take 1 or 2. Hope you don't mind Matt dating a small elephant!
  • Amanda: You are so beautiful inside and out. One day you are going to find a guy as great as your big brother and when you bring him home I hope Matt treats him half as well as you've treated me. You are not messy; you are creative, and don't ever forget that whatever anyone says to try and cut you  down, there are always people that love you so much. And I will hopefully find some dang flowers for your birthday next year!
  • Melon: Scott is a big bowl of ugly. You are gonna find some tall sexy Adonis who will treat you so good. You just wait my lovely!
  • Dillon: Thank you for cheering for Matt and I. Tis nice to know that someone supported our seemingly impossoble romance! I will still save you from Elanna should the time come UFC Buddy!
  • Stephano: I am always here my BFAM!!!!! You will always be my brother that isn't actually related to me! And no matter what depths you may plunge to, I will always do my damndest to help you out.

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