Sunday, October 24, 2010

Give You Hell

People. I hate people. Not all people. But the genre kind of. That sounds angy and bitter, I realize, but truly, I think everyone can understand where I am coming from. I will list a few incidents. Keep tally of how many have happened to you:
  • Copying your homework and then ignoring you
  • Telling the whole class you like the boy that sits in the back corner
  • Making fun of your bra size in the locker room
  • Calling you fat, or any general mockery
  • Taking credit for your achievements
  • Lying to you and stringing you along
  • Stabbing you in the back
  • Drawing crude pictures and labelling them with your name
  • Pushing, hitting, and bullying you
  • Throwing things at you
  • Making fun of you in the scool library when they don't realize you're behind the book shelf innocently trying to find a book on Edgar Allan Poe for english class which you never found because you ran to the bathroom crying and someone else took it out
  • Making fun of the grad dress it took months to find
I could go on. But then I would end up in the fetal position on the floor. Sadly, everything I have listed has happened to me. There is in fact more... alot more. Now am I going to waste any more tears crying about it? No. I am not. All of these things have contributed to the person I am today. And good or bad, that's me. However, despite the fact that I have come to terms with these things, I am still angry against people in general because they don't ever seem to get the hint. And beyond my own personal disgraces, there is alot that happens to others that really shouldn't. What the frak is wrong with us? What kind of world do we live in? Kids are killing themselves. They are killing eachother. Obesity isn't a problem because food is just that good; food doesn't judge you. I hear adults all the time saying "when I was a kid you didn't see us vegging in front of the tv, or playing video games or keeping to ourselves". When they were kids, there weren't children slitting their wrists because they were called a fat-ugly-man-cow on the bus. Are video games thats fun? Are books that entertaining? Is the tv that enticing? No. It isn't. But it is a hell of a step up from being mocked, teased, hurt, bullied and used.

Am I wrong?

1 comment:

  1. I agree Robyn. Perspective is what people need. Why on earth do we take so much joy in hurting others - because in a sick sad way it helps us to feel like we are one step above the bottom of the line. But what a cowardly way to climb the ladder by not only stepping on people to get up but destroying them in the process. When you actually get to the top there is no one left to enjoy with. There is nothing. It is a very empty victory. Wake up and smell the coffee people life is too short to waste fighting with people over stupid things. It is too short for us to waste time squeezing out some small amount of sick pleasure by destroying or hurting others. Take advantage of every moment and enjoy the people around you loving the good things and ignoring the flaws (because we all have them). If someone hurts you - don't feel you have to hurt someone else - rise above and choose to be nice. Life is really too short to waste! Rock on Robyn
