Thursday, August 19, 2010


This dress is gorgeous. Stunning, ya? I love it. Monique Lhullier is a complete genius. No, I am not getting married any time soon, but it was in the ready to wear collection, and I adore it!

The Picture of Horrors

This picture causes me nightmares. Anyone out there read Coraline??? ... k, anyone out there seen Coraline??? ... k, so I should prolly have like a video blog or something. Oh well. Anyways this is THE DEMON BIRD FROM A CORALINE HELL! THE EYES, OH THE EYESSSSSSS THEY BURRRRRRRRN. Seriously, that thing is freaky lookin, no? Who would give a bird eyes like that? Yes, it is fake, and yes, live birds have beady eyes... but they do in fact have a sclera, and color to their eyes. THEY RE NOT BLACK PITS OF IMPENETRABLE DOOM (that was for you Matt <3)


Look at this picture very, verrrrrrrrrry closely. Blink. Now look more. Blink, blink. Now pay attention to what I say... THIS IS WHY YOU DO NOT GET FAKE BOOBS! Oh, and k, for the ladies who have realllllly big non fake boobs... PLEASSSSSSE DO NOT wear a nikni that tiny. Do you know how long it took to get my eye balls back into their socket? Some sclera scratches don't heal!

Dear ----

Dear Ryan Reynolds;

      Good choice.



Le Love


I still don't understand why she stopped modelling. Gemma was  so uber cute! I loved her! I totally thought she was the bomb. In a world where strippers replace plastic actresses that can't act, and there are no Dr. Pepper fountains, we must now live without Gemma Ward as a model. Woe is me... still. I think it was left over from my last post. Hopefully it'll be gone by the next one.

Transformers Transforming

Look at his photo. Stare at it for a few seconds... kk now stop. Men, wipe up the drool. Now focus with me for a second... SHE IS REPLACING MEGAN FOX IN TRANSFORMERS 3! Now, is Megan Fox a great actress? Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnno! Is she super attractive? Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno! Is she 99% plastic? Yyyyyyyyyyyes! Is she replaceable by this model that didn't have much of a career but then suddenly appeared in a Burberry Beauty add and became the new bestest model ever even though she is actually not? NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNO! It is a travesty! Ok, so Megan kinda compared the director to Hitler. Which just insults every single person who experienced or is any way affected by the haulocost. But that's another rant on another blog post. They shouldv'e had her accidentall crushed by Ratchet or something! Why is Rosie- I'm a model, but secretly a stripper filled with just as much plastic as Megan Fox is, and even though I was in a Burberry Beuaty add amount to relatively nothing, and once I finish this movie franchise I am going back to the unknown oblivion that was my life to be a 96 year old cat woman living in a one room apartment with 76 cats, working at mcdonalds to pay for my expensive habits started by a stinking add for lipstick- Huntington Whitely replacing our crappy, insulting, mostly silicone Megan Fox? Oh,woe is me. Woe is me.

The Dsney Machine

These pictures make me laugh. Not a polite "tee hee" or even a "hyuk", but a real, deep "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, STOP IT, I'VE GOT TEARS IN MY EYES!!!" laughter. Like I am being so honest right now.
They look fake! Am I wrong???? They totally look like clay dolls! But the best is yet to come...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, STOP IT I'VE GOT TEARS IN MY EYES!!! ...Sorry. Anyways, I am sorry to be s harsh to the poor rich, mis-styled children, BUT THIS IS RIDICULOUS!

Mister Christy, You ake Good Models

K, so, I totally am not into Christy Turlington. Like at all. And yet, I saw these photos and had my socks knocked off! (Good luck gettin those back on... good ol Sheldon lol) anyway, seriously she looked so good! And I'm like WTF? WHY DOES THIS WOMAN I ABHOR LOOK EVEN MILDLY OK?! WHAT IS THIS CRAZY WORLD COMING TO???? While I cannot provide a definitive answer for that, I can say she still has got it. And that kills me. Seriously, k well maybe not too much. But I am so very confused. Am I going to start liking Twilight now too? Will I get Bieber fever??? Am I gonna start understanding quantum physics? Stand by my friends, for I fear, we have only time to tell us.


I, Stammer

Killer Footnotes


Christian Dior

Miu Miu

Brian Atwood


Christian Louboutin
