Thursday, June 10, 2010


Hey my lovelies! I have not forgotten about you! Promise promise! I have been a busy little bee... ya, I actually just said that. Anyway I do apologize, I have been with my boyfriend and family and I have a bunch of stuff going on at once, and thus my blog has been slightly neglected, which I know, is just rubbish.

Today was the best day ever! It was so amazing! So I had plans to see a movie with my boyfriend and some of his friends and then he and I would go to dinner after. I was buying cause I gots a paycheque! Woot... however I digress. So we planned to meet at 2. I like to have time to prepare myself because otherwise my curly hair looks like I have gone on a romp through the jungle with Tarzan. So I planned to wake up at 12.... but I woke up at 1:15. Such a disaster, I am telling you! I ran into the shower, threw an outfit on... kk well I did not throw it on. I knew with the rian and my haphazard drying that I would look like a poodle, so I worked on the outfit and the make up to compensate. And I actually think I looked ok! But I digress... yet again. So I got dressed, grabbed a muffin, or rather, the top of a fresh bran muffin, charged into my car, and sped... k well I actually drove like a granny, but anyway, I drove to the mall.

I gots there and Matt's friends were there but not him. Which, really, is not of any importance to my tale... consider it a bonus? Anyway so we alll met at the elevators in the theatre. We planned to see the Prince of Persia at like 2 ish. But then we decided to see Get him to the greek at 4:45 so another friend could come. So we went bowling for an hour and a bit. I did ok sorta lol. I am not an exceptionally talented bowler, although I was able to get some strikes and spares WITHOUT gutter guards! WOOOOOOT. The loser of the second game had to buy drinks... and I was the loser until like the 8th frame... then I managed to squeak past Matt's friend and not lose. Hallelujah! Sure I just got payed, but I don't wanna buy everyone drinks lol. So we finished bowling then went to Boston pizza for some fuel... and a few awkward remarks from Matt's friends lol. I don't mind tho. Its just that I dunno what to say. But I spose I don't have to say anything. I just give an awkward laugh and wait for someone to change the subject. And that happens extremely quickly. And then I get home and think about what they said and laugh my butt off, because if it weren't about me and my boyfriend, and were directed towards another couple I would laugh SO hard. Lol. I am horrible. Anyway his friends are pretty cool to hang out with. We have alot of laughs and alot of fun, so I cannot complain... unless Kelly elbows me again... then I am gonna have to beat that kid up AND complain about it. Sorry, back on topic. So we refueled with drinks, wings, cactus cut potatoes (SO GOOD!) and spinach and artichoke dip (my favvvvvourite!). Then we went to the theatre, met up with the last friend and saw Get Him to the Greek. I won't spoil the movie for all of you interested in watching it. Just a few warnings; don't go with your parents. That will end in total disaster, I have no doubt of that. Its kinda crude, but so friggin hilarious. Crazy innappropriate, but then again I am sheltered as anyone who knows me even the slightest will tell you. Russell Brand is pretty funny. I don't really like him all that much, but he was pretty good in this film.

After the movie, everyone left, but Matt and I didn't want to go home yet. But we didn't know what to do lol. FYI, I am not a terribly interesting person. I am content sitting at home, my hair in a loose bun on my head, in my shorts and v neck, drinking dr pepper and doing something related to fashion. So I am not a font of ideas of stuff to do. And it is even harder in the rain. So, we walked down the mall a bit. Then sat on a bench and tried to figure out what to do... it failed. I am a little nervous my bf will realize how terribly boring and uninteresting I am, but then again, I am sure its already been revealed lol and he likes me anyway... a true saint hehehe. Anyway, so we went to my car to come up with an idea. All we could come up with was going to his house... but I couldn't really do that bec I wasn't wearing socks... don't ask, long story. Well not really. But I don't want to tell it. Anyways,  I headed toward his house, and then had a lightbulb moment, and turned into the parking lot of a church I used to go to (aggggggges ago). Out in the back there is this mondo foresty thingy, so I parked and we went for a little adventure.

Before I go into the details of the adventure I will tell you what I was wearing. This is after all a fashion blog, but beyond that my wardrobe was somewhat inappropriate for our adventure. I was wearing a loose kinda flowy boho top thing. I had my boot cut jeans on, and my black hoody. This doesn't sound so bad, I know, but it is the foot wear that will get ya. I was wearing my white leather town shoes mary jane flats. Comfy shoes? Yes! Suitable for a wet walk through a foresty thingy? Heck no! However, at this point I did not care. I wanted to go for a walk with my man, and I refused to let my wimpy shoes stop me! So, walk we did, and we had quite the adventure! It was so much fun! We just walked and talked, and there was laughing, specially when I tripped, which is happening all too frequently if you ask me. Anyways by the end of it, my cheeks were flushed, my makeup was kinda smudged, my hair was frizzy, my flats were dirty and covered in grass and stuff, my jeans were soaking wet, and I was so content :D. We walked back to the car, and I drove him home. I always park in his driveway so he doesn't have to cross a street or anything... I don't want him to get hit by a crazy car or rabid bloodthirsty animal looking for a fresh kill. Why am I telling you this? Well, because, I had pulled up on his driveway, and outta no where this weird  guy comes to my car asking if we own the house... WHY WOULD 2 TEENAGERS OWN A HOUSE? Where would 2 teens get that kind of money? Beyond that, if we owned the house, we wouldn't park on the driveway, now would we?!?!?! I know! Absolutely absurd! Funny though lol. Anyway, the rest of my night was kinda dull. Helped my sister with chem, rewatched the ending to Shutter Island. Had a banana and doctor pepper (not together!) and then returned to my faithful laptop which has consumed the better part of my evening. So good day! Matt toook the cutest pic of him and I on our adventure. I am not gonna post it. Sorry my dears, for getting your hopes up. I know you prolly all wanna see the guy I talk about so much, but it will have to wait a while. That pic is evidence of a perfect afternoon, and I am not ready to share said evidence (other then my spoken... written word) with you all yet.

Love you guys!

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