Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fashion Tips for Students

Here are my be all end all (LOL) tips about makeup, hair, and clothing for a student!!

1. If you`re going to wear heels (of any style), DO NOT use a backpack. You will be hanged.
2. In relation to 1, heels in general are way too high maintenance at school. Wear flats or sneakers!
3. As with any other situation, never ever ... EVER wear crocs.
4. Sweats are unacceptable unless you are working out or a Phys Ed. student.
5. Stains of any kind on a garment are wholly unacceptable.
6. No one ever went wrong wearing jeans.
7. Make sure your clothes fit. Not too tight, too big, too short, or too long.
8. Don`t bleed a dead animal; if your clothing is past its prime, garbage it.
9. Cutesy bags are just that; cutesy bags. When it comes to carrying around books, beverages, etc., make sure you have a reinforced bag.
10. Pay attention to length. Make sure your skirts and shorts aren`t too short. Noone wants to see your underpants.
11. Back-combing is done. NO one wants to see your over-dyed, too fried hair all up like a bird`s nest. YUCK. GO with your natural hair, or a low maintenance style that will last ya through the day
12. School is crazy, but it is no circus; low key makeup is nice. Less is more! The days get stressful and its sometimes nice to rub your eyes without a follow up trip to the powder room to tidy it up. 

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